Heard through the grapevine

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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NE Texas
From a reliable source too. That if you live in NE Texas, you're sitting on a lithium gold mine. We've had oil wells dug on our place in several areas but was told they only got salty sludge... but apparently, thats where the lithium is.....lol First solar farm invasion, now, maybe lithium mines....
I don't think this is really news. They've known about lithium in Texas for many years. That's why Tesla is planning a lithium refinery in Texas.
You'll be filthy rich before it's all over!

Well was drilled on grandma's south forty we bought a couple years ago. The engineer told me it will be big, or it will be nothing. Look at my my posts about new trucks and machinery, or the lack thereof, to figure out which we got.
You'll be filthy rich before it's all over!

Well was drilled on grandma's south forty we bought a couple years ago. The engineer told me it will be big, or it will be nothing. Look at my my posts about new trucks and machinery, or the lack thereof, to figure out which we got.
For years i would look at the sky in one of our pastures and say it was different. I said it for over 30 years. It was different, how? i cant explain. Then, we get a solar farm come to us out of the blue wanting that land... Years ago, someone told me there was a salt mine on our place. I dont remember who told me. Not one person i know has ever heard of this 'salt mine'... so i came to the conclusion that i dreamed it. There is a spot on our ranch that i know there is something there, what? i dont know. I've felt it for a very long time. Maybe this is where the lithium is... Someone drilled on it years ago but only got salty sludge up.... this is where, almost, where i have this 'feeling' that something will be there... so i guess only time will tell.....
For years i would look at the sky in one of our pastures and say it was different. I said it for over 30 years. It was different, how? i cant explain. Then, we get a solar farm come to us out of the blue wanting that land... Years ago, someone told me there was a salt mine on our place. I dont remember who told me. Not one person i know has ever heard of this 'salt mine'... so i came to the conclusion that i dreamed it. There is a spot on our ranch that i know there is something there, what? i dont know. I've felt it for a very long time. Maybe this is where the lithium is... Someone drilled on it years ago but only got salty sludge up.... this is where, almost, where i have this 'feeling' that something will be there... so i guess only time will tell.....
Have you tried water divining?

We've got miners sniffing around at the moment. We have tin, tungsten, molybdomin and apparently there is some litium as well along with kaolin that they are interested in. They are off to the stock exchange at the moment trying to raise some money to exploit it. I don't have any rights to the minerals under my ground, the most I can hope for is some compensation for loss of production and maybe get some roads built. One of the big attractions they see with my place is the possibility of reworking the big sand dumps from previous tin mining with more modern centrifugal seperators as this would give them some immediate cash flow at little expense which is attractive to investors. The cheaky buggars put a photo of my big pond in one of their brochures saying it was the mines water supply. I just wish they would go away, I make it as difficult as possible for them, last week I sent them on a 350km round trip to get a certificate from a qualified person to wash down their vehicle before they entered. They had an independant geologist with them to do a report so I'm not sure what his hourly rate would have been. They are starting to get the idea we don't want them here but they have thick hides.

I would like to see more info on it. It looks like they can dig it or water flush it. Either way uses a ton of water that I am not sure we can spare. Not sure how deep yalls water wells are but they could be working right in the same vicinity.

The do mine coal not real far from here. They do a great job outing the top soil back a d replanting it in native grasses. It's some of the most beautiful prairie land around.
I would like to see more info on it. It looks like they can dig it or water flush it. Either way uses a ton of water that I am not sure we can spare. Not sure how deep yalls water wells are but they could be working right in the same vicinity.

The do mine coal not real far from here. They do a great job outing the top soil back a d replanting it in native grasses. It's some of the most beautiful prairie land around.
Glad to hear that. Its bad here in the steep mountains.
Glad to hear that. Its bad here in the steep mountains.
Property up above our bigger place was strip mined. It created an artificial terrain difference akin to something out west. Sharp inclines, erosion washouts, etc. It was for sale though this year again, they wanted 75k for it but I couldn't make it to the auction. That place goes up for sale every few years, nobody keeps it any longer than they'd keep a pair of shoes. I'm going to try to snag it next time, then fence it. It's not good for much, but it would give us the biggest section of uninterrupted fence on that creek and that's worth something to me. I would like to eventually reclaim that whole area. When my family was still many in those hills, they ran about 1,600 acres in cattle and crops. They ran about 100-150 head of cattle and put the bottoms in crops. That was a good living back then.
I would like to see more info on it. It looks like they can dig it or water flush it. Either way uses a ton of water that I am not sure we can spare. Not sure how deep yalls water wells are but they could be working right in the same vicinity.

The do mine coal not real far from here. They do a great job outing the top soil back a d replanting it in native grasses. It's some of the most beautiful prairie land around.
I think they do a good job here any more. Unfortunately that means no more stripper pits, they're good fishing.
The lignite coal area just west of Buffalo TX is very nice where they reclaimed the land. Large broad meadows with good grasses and ponds scattered around with treed areas. I wouldn't mind owning it. I wish I could lease it.
Here the mining is in the steep mountains. A company from West Virginia came in a few years ago and bought out most other companies. Much of the land was leased but they tore up thousands of acres, got the coal, and left. The state hasnt made them fix it. They allowed the company to self bond because the governor of West Virginia owned the company. Now the taxpayers may have to pay for fixing it.
I would prefer the digging. At least then you can write a lease and hold people accountable for what you see. When they do water floods near your water zones... it requires a lot more to prove damages and there is no remediating a water zone or lake/ river/ pond.
I'm not to sure how I feel about all this mining, solar, wind, and just poking around that's going on. We bought this place because we like being out here. We enjoy the cattle even though they can be a pain and may or may not make money. It would definitely be hard to turn down a big chunk of change and I know you can just go buy another place but then what? If we were intersted in a bunch of money we could sell out and retire on 30 acres somewhere but that's not the goal. What happened to a couple oil or gas wells just bringing in money and not causing a huge diruption. I honestly don't know how to feel about all this stuff.
I'm not to sure how I feel about all this mining, solar, wind, and just poking around that's going on. We bought this place because we like being out here. We enjoy the cattle even though they can be a pain and may or may not make money. It would definitely be hard to turn down a big chunk of change and I know you can just go buy another place but then what? If we were intersted in a bunch of money we could sell out and retire on 30 acres somewhere but that's not the goal. What happened to a couple oil or gas wells just bringing in money and not causing a huge diruption. I honestly don't know how to feel about all this stuff.
It's because in the constant pursuit of consumption man has forgotten himself and found only appetites.

The people who most need the resources of your land only see the natural world in parks and NFs unless they travel. The things that must intrude upon the land to make the products they slave to buy are immaterial to them because they don't have to see them.

It has become a madhouse, and one that rivals a perpetual motion machine in terms of fervor, and we are on the outside of it, shoveling fuel into it for the reason that two very culturally disparate worlds have become irreparably intertwined.