Hiring sign.

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Aug 25, 2013
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This is pretty neat. The zero drama I like. I did not see the zero baggage as a lot of employees are eat up.


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We've landed to really good hands in the past week. Hung a sign on the board at the feed store for 18.00 per hour.
Only two applicants. 61 and 63 years old both retired. One just wants to do ranch type work the other has his wife in a exclusive Alzheimer's facility and needs extra money to help with the bill. I like em both. Show up on time, have savy and thick skin. Never on their phone.
New joke around here ...AARP fence company.
We've landed to really good hands in the past week. Hung a sign on the board at the feed store for 18.00 per hour.
Only two applicants. 61 and 63 years old both retired. One just wants to do ranch type work the other has his wife in a exclusive Alzheimer's facility and needs extra money to help with the bill. I like em both. Show up on time, have savy and thick skin. Never on their phone.
New joke around here ...AARP fence company.
When those phones became popular some of the employees I worked with lived on them. Once state policy, procedures and practices were in place it helped. Some people have a lot of baggage and drama going on in their life. One guy ran to that dam phone every few minutes as I finally figured out he had over a 1000 friends befriended on Facebook and every time he got a hit it was grab the phone.

Also you mention thick skin, as just listening to the employees talk a good portion of them were on some kind of prescription med for stress and anxiety. My doctor at the time mention it to me about writing a prescription for stress and I found a new doctor.
We've landed to really good hands in the past week. Hung a sign on the board at the feed store for 18.00 per hour.
Only two applicants. 61 and 63 years old both retired. One just wants to do ranch type work the other has his wife in a exclusive Alzheimer's facility and needs extra money to help with the bill. I like em both. Show up on time, have savy and thick skin. Never on their phone.
New joke around here ...AARP fence company.

How about AMAC Fence Co.? (this is Association of Mature American Citizens, which is the opposite end of the spectrum of AARP)
"zero drama"..
I once worked at a plant that used a lot of temps, 90% female.

I learned early, ya had to be very careful which assembly or packaging line you placed which temp on, as the drama between a lot of them would erupt into physical alterations if you put them within shouting distance of each other.
greybeard - you are absolutely right! Especially when they all have knives!

I see what the owner was getting at but I think they could have used better word choices and conveyed the same message which is if you want more money than minimum wage you will have to prove it up. The better you work, the more money you make.
20 years, maybe even 5-10 yrs ago, I would have taken that sign down ,handed it to the owner and said "I'm your man".

I can still work, but at 71, nothing like I once could.

I've taken jobs without even discussing pay, knowing full that I would be able to prove myself and be paid what I was worth. All I wanted was the chance to get my foot in the door.
As the school maintenance and facilities director I generally hire a few high school boys to help through the summer. The past several years I have been very disappointed with my hires, most quit before the summer was over and the ones that didn't I was glad to see go back to school because they were a pain in the butt. I hired 5 this summer, only one quit. The other 4 were awesome young men and worked hard, showed up on time and showed up daily. We start work at 6 am, hard to find young people that'll get up early. When they finished a task, they found me or one of my maintenance guys and asked "what's next?" I hated to see them go back to school. I was told by a teacher that the boys that stayed on gave the one that quit a thrashing for abandoning his post, that's the kind of peer pressure I like to see. One of the young men told me that this was the best summer ever. It's nice to see young people that want to work, there's hope for the future.
Everybody I know always saying I can't work for no less than $20 an hour. Yet don't have an experience or work history to show what job they could do for $20. I just try to keep my mouth shut. 🤐🤷🏽‍♀️ Most settle for $10-12 when they figure out most places don't pay $20 starting out for people that don't have any skills.
Whatever you make more you will spend.
As the school maintenance and facilities director I generally hire a few high school boys to help through the summer. The past several years I have been very disappointed with my hires, most quit before the summer was over and the ones that didn't I was glad to see go back to school because they were a pain in the butt. I hired 5 this summer, only one quit. The other 4 were awesome young men and worked hard, showed up on time and showed up daily. We start work at 6 am, hard to find young people that'll get up early. When they finished a task, they found me or one of my maintenance guys and asked "what's next?" I hated to see them go back to school. I was told by a teacher that the boys that stayed on gave the one that quit a thrashing for abandoning his post, that's the kind of peer pressure I like to see. One of the young men told me that this was the best summer ever. It's nice to see young people that want to work, there's hope for the future.
Good story. There is still hope. Those four young men will probably be successful in life - business owners or other successful careers. The one that quit - he might go into politics or benefit from politics. Unless that peer pressure got him rehabilitated. Four out of five is still very good.
Good story. There is still hope. Those four young men will probably be successful in life - business owners or other successful careers. The one that quit - he might go into politics or benefit from politics. Unless that peer pressure got him rehabilitated. Four out of five is still very good.

The other side of Little Joe's scenario, had a phone call and it was someone wanting to rent an apt. When asked if she was calling for herself or someone else she said, "me'. When asked how many BR she needed, she indicated it was her and her two "kids". She's 21 with a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old. Lives with her mom and step-dad. Been there for a few months. Baby's dad just up and left. She no job but has applications at Casey's and Dollar General. Kids father pays nothing and long gone. She was sure to tell me she had $600 in the bank.

I suggested she continue staying with her mom because without a job and no job history nobody will let her move in their property.

How can folks grow to young adults and be so unprepared?
How can folks grow to young adults and be so unprepared?
Not always, but it is often due to learned behavior from the parents. Remember that country song "Watching You" where the little boy says ""I've been watching you, dad, ain't that cool"? Having kids is a huge responsibility. Contributing the genetic material and birthing the baby is the easy part. Then the important work starts. But sometimes, the best taught kids just mess up on their own.

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