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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
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Who's ready for another one? Stock market is correcting, bonds are going up, inflation is up and I did not realize that oil was so dang high. Good times are on the horizons it seems.
Rule of thumb: 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth of the GDP= recession

GDP grew 4.9% in 2021 with the last quarter having the lowest growth of 0.6%
0.6 x 4 = 2.4% projected for 2022

Since all quarters of 2021 were positive, too early to say here in January 2022
that both the first and 2nd quarter of 2022 will end with negative growth.
GDP growth has definitely slowed, whether it will turn negative for the next 5 months is above my pay grade. :)
The people that are hooked on these handouts don't get another before long it could get dangerous.
My folks lived through the Depression. People were honorable, mostly. My dad always said the next depression people would be rioting and burning in the streets. Gee, we seem to have that already.
I've been waiting for this to hit. I thought we'd get it Christmas of 2020, then the can got financially kicked down the road again. And again, and again. It has to end some time. I just hope that I'm in a really good spot financially when it does.
Once I realized Christmas was not biblical I never let it interfere with household time or economics.
I just know it's cold and there is no mail. and I have no problem with those who observe it!