Sick world we live in!

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We can't "argue" anyone into church, anymore than we can keep them "in church" (meaning strong in faith and knowledge of God's Word) by "hugging them in". We CAN'T "make a decision for Christ" either... we are DEAD... literally DEAD in our trespasses and sins. A dead man can do NOTHING, can't even be an active player in his conversion. That's ALL done by God through the hearing of the Word... the gospel message of forgiveness through Christ. Preach the gospel faithfully, which absolutely also involves the preaching of the law faithfully as well, so we can see clearly our need for forgiveness, and recognize our eternally lost, and wholly corrupt state. The Holy Spirit then works in us sinners, through that Word, CREATING faith where there was nothing but rejection of God and His salvation.

Yes, we need to be prepared to give a reason for the hope that lies within us... (forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life through Jesus) 1 Peter 3:15. And we need to answer those who teach "false doctrine" with "proof" of that from the Word... false doctrines like, "What someone else does shouldn't matter to me, it's none of my business", ... or "judge not, that you be not judged" being misused. If that's what you mean by "arguing them into church", then there may be something to it.

Church is not supposed to be for our entertainment. It is supposed to be where we gather together with other children of God in perfect unity in the Word, where we glorify God together, and where we are strengthened through God serving us there in Word and Sacrament.
That felt like an argument.

Let me ask how you would reply to someone who asked if all the pre-Columbus Indians in America are going to hell because they did not accept Jesus?

Indians settled in the Americans 12,000 years ago. Abraham died about 4,000 years ago. Adam was about 7,000 years ago.
What is amazing to me is the hypocrisy in all of this. All of the moral superiority from all of these posters, yet not a word was ever said about a certain Orange man that a lot of you worship. A man that is an accused rapist, an admitted sexual predator, serial adulterer, and proven habitual liar.
Logically, I assume that the next time his name comes up you will all be equally judgemental about his impact on the morals of our youth and the example he set.
His policies were spot on. That's what I care about
Like Biden
And you try to change the subject. Moral authority only when you say so. Ignore the ones that don't suit you. This has nothing to do with Biden or anyone else. I am simply pointing out that a lot on here condemn certain behaviors but ignore others. I will be the first to admit, that I am guilty of that too.
It is fair enough that you agree with his policies. But he is no paragon of virtue.
Nor am I. Government is a pooling of resources and he made good use of those. God will decide if we're morally acceptable
God will decide if we're morally acceptable
And that has been my point all along. It is for God to judge and not man.

And for the record, before I leave this thread, I don't like Jenner at all. Not because she's trans, but because she is a pompous attention-seeking azzhat. It is not for me or anyone else to judge her sexuality or gender.
While I don't necessarily expect any person to be perfect as far as their morals and actions I wholeheartedly would prefer that they strive toward that goal. As I have stated in several other posts no human, myself included is far from perfectly righteous. The Bible clearly says that our righteousness is as filthy rags. Nevertheless we are to conduct ourselves as best we can. I was roasted on this forum on multiple occasions for my political stand in expecting our leaders to be as moral as possible in both their political positions and their lives. They absolutely should be held to a higher standard and we should not just accept any behavior that comes along just because they are the "right" party or have the "right" political policies. That is where as a country we are making a collective mistake in not holding our leaders responsible by continuing to condone them. We should be electing leaders with good morals and as little controversy as possible surrounding them. That goes for all sides.
And that has been my point all along. It is for God to judge and not man.

And for the record, before I leave this thread, I don't like Jenner at all. Not because she's trans, but because she is a pompous attention-seeking azzhat. It is not for me or anyone else to judge her sexuality or gender.
So you don't like him, and judge him for for one thing ..and perhaps what is his only good points😂
What is amazing to me is the hypocrisy in all of this. All of the moral superiority from all of these posters, yet not a word was ever said about a certain Orange man that a lot of you worship. A man that is an accused rapist, an admitted sexual predator, serial adulterer, and proven habitual liar.
Logically, I assume that the next time his name comes up you will all be equally judgemental about his impact on the morals of our youth and the example he set.
What's AMAZING TO ME!!! is that you and ALL liberals/socialists/democratic socialists/communists would have the rest of us believe that morals and integrity matter to you even one little bit. ALL you care about is power , the acquisition of it and the maintaining of it. Everything the democrat party is doing since coming to power is to inflict their warped belief system on this country and assure that they will NEVER again be out of power. HR-1 being truly their hallmark piece of legislation to, in effect, affect this coup. So comrade take your hypocrisy and faux morality and go bullsh!t someone else cuz I for one am not buying it. in other words stop peeing on our heads and trying to convince us that it's raining.
Calling people "IT", "disturbing", and saying they have a mental retardation problem doesn't sound like loving them to me. Agree or disagree with the way they live their life, but the way people talk on here is appalling.
The quote you posted does not relate to the comment you made. Here it is again, " folks never can get past the fact that it's hating the sin,not the sinner..." Alacowman1 is addressing the sin......
Church growth in this day and age, seems to be about entertainment ( I get the argument that we have to get them there to preach to them). If the gospel that's presented is watered down, then it's doing anybody any good. The project Malachi said if your not going to do it right, then close the doors.
I've noticed the entertainment factor myself. From what I've observed, a lot of churches in my area are all about fun activities, trips, and dinners. They are the same as any other activity based organization in the community. About the only difference is they have"Church" written on their shingle, and it's all about making everybody comfortable these days. There is a church in a nearby town with a sign that reads, "Church for people who don't like church." I'm not sure what they do in there.
Calling people "IT", "disturbing", and saying they have a mental retardation problem doesn't sound like loving them to me. Agree or disagree with the way they live their life, but the way people talk on here is appalling.

I tend to agree. When the president is referred to as "Orange man" it shows the hatred that spews out, as an example.