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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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Roseburg, Oregon

I noticed this heifer with a slightly runny eye and this pink growth by that eye a few days ago. She looked a bit off at the time. By today she seemed perfectly normal attitude wise, but cows were near the corrals and I brought her in to take her temperature and look at it up close. She did have a slightly runny nose and an occasional cough. Her temperature was 102.7, so only slightly high. The outside temperature has been close to 100 most afternoons, so that temperature did not really bother me, but we treated with LA 300, just to be safe. She was also covered with ringworm.I had never had it in the herd before and it is going through like wildfire right now. We have neighbor cattle up against us right now and I expect it came in over the fence.

The thing by her eye is actually rather pink, but I put some iodine on it. Since I had her in, I scraped on a bunch of her ringworm and sprayed it with iodine, and since I had it in my hand, I put a dab of iodine on this thing. Does anyone know what that thing is?
Haven't a clue what the thing pictured is. I'd be inclined to grasp it with forceps and see if it was rooted or easily plucked off. I'm astounded you've never encountered ringworm. Lives in the soil and pops up in the right conditions and highly contagious. Benign neglect & patience is a proven cure. ;-)
I've seen something very similar in dogs. I think the vet called it "cherry eye" but I honestly don't remember. Can't remember what causes it or why. If memory serves me correctly, he cut it off, doctored a little, and that was it. May be something entirely different.
It's not "cherry eye". Cherry eye is like a prolapse of the inner eye lid of a dog. That looks like a tic or some sort of growth
I think it looks like a wart that's been rubbed on, hence the red. And warts are not uncommon with my heifers. Agree with 76: benign neglect goes a long way. As with ringworm, time & sunshine - it'll go away. If it doesn't after a month, then I'd be more concerned.
It is not a tick. I kind of picked at it and it's well attached. My camera is going out on me, so the picture isn't great. That eye was watering a few days ago when I first saw it, but I was unable to get close enough out in the pasture for a real good look. Its just a round pink thing protruding through the skin. I had hoped it was something I could just pull off, but it would take a knife. I was planning benign neglect since it doesn't seem to bother her now. The eye isn't watering anymore and the eyes themselves are clear. Probably a wart. I'd never had warts in this herd before, so I hadn't thought of that. This is a yearling heifer.

I've been lucky in the past, no warts, no ringworm and almost no respiratory problems, but it's catching up now. We have been in this location since 1992 and the only ringworm we had was on a purchased bull. It showed up shortly after he was delivered and fortunately had cleared up before it was time to put him out with the cows. My bull pasture is on a separate place almost 2 miles away from any of our other pastures, so I can isolate new purchases pretty well.

Are cattle immune to ringworm after they have had it once, or can they get it over and over? I sure hope I don't get it. I have not been as careful as I probably should have been.
I would say Ringworm or wart. We've had them get both around the same time. It looks like she's been rubbing it and with it so close to her eye she may have scratched the eye. That would make the eye runny from the irritation.
Katpau...agree with TCR, BD & WFfarm plus what you've noted...likely a wart the calf irritated and in the process, irritated the eye.
Pointless to lose sleep over warts & ringworm. Classically seen in young calves/yearlings. Runs it course regardless & typically but not always the affected develop immunity. IME if you have an established reputation savvy buyer's won't dock you. That said the current climate is absurdly volatile. Good luck.

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