Buying bulls

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Has he lost weight since the first pics?
Yes he did. All their cows were a bit on the skinny side. From what I seen, all they had was grass hay. They had way to many critters for their 40 acres. I hope he can gain some before June. Had my dog not chased him in with the cows, I had planned on giving him some grain.
Yes he did. All their cows were a bit on the skinny side. From what I seen, all they had was grass hay. They had way to many critters for their 40 acres. I hope he can gain some before June. Had my dog not chased him in with the cows, I had planned on giving him some grain.
I hope he does good for you.
Well the bull and one cow was in our lower water gap this morning. The cow sorted herself off, and somehow I was able to keep the bull from going through the gate. Got all the cows fed, and tried to go back through the gate, but he was bound an determined to go through, but I was able to keep him where I wanted him. I ended up going out another gate. I wish my automatic waters were not froze up, I would keep him in the corals. The line going to them is froze from driving the tractors over them this winter.
Yes he did. All their cows were a bit on the skinny side. From what I seen, all they had was grass hay. They had way to many critters for their 40 acres. I hope he can gain some before June. Had my dog not chased him in with the cows, I had planned on giving him some grain.
That's too bad. It looks like he could use some. Maybe a lot. Good luck with him.
That's too bad. It looks like he could use some. Maybe a lot. Good luck with him.
I'm going to give him a couple pounds of grain a day. The place where I got him, they only had 40 acres, and had to many critters on that 40 acres. I don't think they had the money to put enough hay into their livestock. From what I seen they were feeding only grass hay. That first night I gave him what I thought was a lot of hay, and he ate a little more than half.
I'm going to give him a couple pounds of grain a day. The place where I got him, they only had 40 acres, and had to many critters on that 40 acres. I don't think they had the money to put enough hay into their livestock. From what I seen they were feeding only grass hay. That first night I gave him what I thought was a lot of hay, and he ate a little more than half.
A bull of his size and condition could eat 15 lbs of grain a day to get some weight on by June 1 or whenever you turn bulls out.
My new bull after getting some good feed into him. I think he looks a lot better than he did when I first got him.

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Great looking bull...Everyone please pay close attention to that Advertising sign in the back ground. That's where the big sleeper money is. Stock ticker "LAMR" LAMAR ADVERTISING CO NEW CL A , Do Not Invest @ $100./share...wait until the next pandemic or fallout when LAMR stock drops down under $30. even to $9. in March 2020...then load up. Advertising is NEVER DONE or Dead. I saw the $9. day was a day late, RATS, missed it but got in at $17. without any regrets.