Law enforcement

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May 13, 2021
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Burleson Leon Coleman counties texas
I stumbled across a 72 year old woman with dementia getting brutally assaulted by police officers for stealing about $14 worth of merchandise from Walmart, Walmart got their merchandise back, but that didn't stop them from assaulting her, dislocated her shoulder and fractured her arm along with lots of bruises.
It was clear this woman was mentally challenged and probably just forgot to pay
I support law enforcement 100%, but this was not law enforcement,
If I would have been there I would have tried to protect the little woman.
This happened in Loveland Colorado.
Are some officers so drunk with power that would make them do this?
I wouldn't treat a dog the way they treated her
I think we are seeing this in the workplace across the board, not just police, they are just rightfully, under more scrutiny. People have lost the ability to think and adjust for the situation.

Just read this board and imagine if every one were given a badge and a gun. 🙄
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I stumbled across a 72 year old woman with dementia getting brutally assaulted by police officers for stealing about $14 worth of merchandise from Walmart, Walmart got their merchandise back, but that didn't stop them from assaulting her, dislocated her shoulder and fractured her arm along with lots of bruises.
It was clear this woman was mentally challenged and probably just forgot to pay
I support law enforcement 100%, but this was not law enforcement,
If I would have been there I would have tried to protect the little woman.
This happened in Loveland Colorado.
Are some officers so drunk with power that would make them do this?
I wouldn't treat a dog the way they treated her
Sometimes the police are their own worst enemy...

I get the whole thing about cops being supportive of each other, but there are some bad apples and everyone knows it. Just as there are people in the fire department that have an unusual fascination for fires and sometimes it gets out of hand. No one wants to be the guy that snitches on the bad cop... but at the same time the bad cop is coloring all of law enforcement with their diseased brush. I really don't understand why the bad cops aren't fired as soon as they go out of control.

We have law enforcement in the family and they would agree with me.
They investigated themselves and found the arrest to be lawful, they were on camera laughing about how they treated that little woman, while she was in a cell for five or six hours without any medical attention.
How could any civilized human think this was ok?
They are their own worst enemy, we hear cries to defund the police, we all know law enforcement is needed, but these people have to realize,corrupt cops make defunding the police easy, law abiding cops make it hard
Sometimes the police are their own worst enemy...

I get the whole thing about cops being supportive of each other, but there are some bad apples and everyone knows it. Just as there are people in the fire department that have an unusual fascination for fires and sometimes it gets out of hand. No one wants to be the guy that snitches on the bad cop... but at the same time the bad cop is coloring all of law enforcement with their diseased brush. I really don't understand why the bad cops aren't fired as soon as they go out of control.

We have law enforcement in the family and they would agree with me.
They investigated themselves and found the arrest to be lawful, they were on camera laughing about how they treated that little woman, while she was in a cell for five or six hours without any medical attention.
How could any civilized human think this was ok?
They are their own worst enemy, we hear cries to defund the police, we all know law enforcement is needed, but these people have to realize,corrupt cops make defunding the police easy, law abiding cops make it hard
That's also how you end up with civilian oversight which can swing real hard the opposite way, like you are saying.
There is a video where a supervisor goes off an a guy and starts doing some thing not right. Another office, female, just grabs his arm or belt or some thing like that as to say... OK, come on, let up... the male supervisor turns and chokes here. You should see the numbers of male cops just standing there as it happens. It's wild. The dude is irate and you can bet that was not his first time.
There was another one of a mentally challenged man in target that got assaulted by Leo.
It's bad enough some people have to suffer, but the tax payers have to pay the price for their incompetence.
I have friends and kin in leo, they say some people should not be in a position of authority.
I know a former deputy that worked for me on the side, he is a very good person, but he had a severe problem telling the truth, it was unbelievable how bad he would lie knowing I would find out the truth sooner or later.
When we were younger we were at a dance and a guy had some kind of issue with a friend of mine over a girl. He told two cops there that my friend had threatened him with a knife. The two female cops just hit my friend from behind almost knocking him to the ground. He turned ready to fight because he was hit from behind with out them announcing themselves or any thing. Myself and several others were standing with him and watched it all. I was pretty POed and the crowd was getting pretty rowdy. We were on the phone with the sheriff with in a few minutes and they cut him loose after a short while.

You should have heard their excuses trying to justify it. What really got them was he didn't even have a knife on him. They were both let go shortly after that but I guarantee you they just went to another town because it's too much paperwork to say you fired them over that.
When we were younger we were at a dance and a guy had some kind of issue with a friend of mine over a girl. He told two cops there that my friend had threatened him with a knife. The two female cops just hit my friend from behind almost knocking him to the ground. He turned ready to fight because he was hit from behind with out them announcing themselves or any thing. Myself and several others were standing with him and watched it all. I was pretty POed and the crowd was getting pretty rowdy. We were on the phone with the sheriff with in a few minutes and they cut him loose after a short while.

You should have heard their excuses trying to justify it. What really got them was he didn't even have a knife on him. They were both let go shortly after that but I guarantee you they just went to another town because it's too much paperwork to say you fired them over that.
They weren't peace officers, they were tyrants, there should have been an investigation first.
I just can't understand these kind of situations, who trains these people?
They open up law suits that the tax payers have to pay for.
They weren't peace officers, they were tyrants, there should have been an investigation first.
I just can't understand these kind of situations, who trains these people?
They open up law suits that the tax payers have to pay for.
We have a small town and have the lowest pay around. We either get people right out if training or other towns' culls. You see some stupid stuff.

I had a cop who threatened to arrest me because I wanted to go around him. They didn't block off a road for a race. I came down the road amd ended up in a sea of runners. At the first intersection I pulled up to the cop blocking the road amd asked him to let me out. He told me to go back where I came from that he is not suppose to let any one go by. 🙄 I was like... I'm pretty sure they meant don't let cars in to the runners... not... don't let them out. He got pissy and said if I went around him he would arrest me. I told him to call a supervisor because he was an idiot.

He got pissed off and got in his car. I got on my phone amd called the sheriff's. I sat right there and pulled out my phone and explained the situation to the sheriff. When I hung up i waited like 2 min and his phone rang. I started laughing and told him he probably should get that... then said have a good day... I'll be going now. 🤣
When I was very young, the town I grew up in had gone bankrupt decades before and had no town govt. No police and no mayor, just a VFD and, 1 black county constable in a 99% white town. That constable was good, and fair, and well respected. There were several beer joints in town, what we called driveins or ice houses and sometimes a melee would break out in their parking lots. That constable did have a gun, but he'd normally just get out of his car, pull out his stick and wade right into the crowd, break up the fight and get 'em settled down and back to their drinkng. He was good with us kids too. Always encouraged all of us to stay in school and such. I never saw him get angry and rarely even threatened anyone with arrest. His presence alone was such, that we understood what was what and what law meant back then.
When I was very young, the town I grew up in had gone bankrupt decades before and had no town govt. No police and no mayor, just a VFD and, 1 black county constable in a 99% white town. That constable was good, and fair, and well respected. There were several beer joints in town, what we called driveins or ice houses and sometimes a melee would break out in their parking lots. That constable did have a gun, but he'd normally just get out of his car, pull out his stick and wade right into the crowd, break up the fight and get 'em settled down and back to their drinkng. He was good with us kids too. Always encouraged all of us to stay in school and such. I never saw him get angry and rarely even threatened anyone with arrest. His presence alone was such, that we understood what was what and what law meant back then.
A lot of places use to be like that. Ours was simular as a kid. Now it's getting dang near militarized. We have been invaded.
Way back when I was in high school we would all gather in the parking lot next the the Village Inn. This one city policewoman would come up and say random check, and she would search Someone's truck. I don't she had any probable cause, and think she could have gotten into some serous trouble had something come up missing, but she got away with it. We were just to young and wet behind the ears to know better. Good thing she didn't have to chase anyone on foot; she was so big around I am sure she couldn't run half a city block.

It was way better that we hung out in the V I parking lot than at some of the various keg parties outside of town.
A lot of places use to be like that. Ours was simular as a kid. Now it's getting dang near militarized. We have been invaded.
Exactly! They need to take deputies and city popo out of those black fatigues and combat boots, and put them back in wing tips with a tie. Dressing them up like Rambo jut sends the wrong signal to the kind of minds that those working in LE already have in poorer towns and counties.
Exactly! They need to take deputies and city popo out of those black fatigues and combat boots, and put them back in wing tips with a tie. Dressing them up like Rambo jut sends the wrong signal to the kind of minds that those working in LE already have in poorer towns and counties.
There is probably some thing to that. DPS and Texas Rangers don't dress like that and deal with more than these county cops decked out.
There is probably some thing to that. DPS and Texas Rangers don't dress like that and deal with more than these county cops decked out.
Plus DPS/Rangers are a lot better trained and they won't take just anyone.
County and city will take any egomaniac that will come along, we all know some people should not be in LEO.
I watched some encounters on YouTube, you think how stupid can these guys be?
And they are lieutenants/supervisors.
They end up costing the tax payers millions of dollars.
Exactly! They need to take deputies and city popo out of those black fatigues and combat boots, and put them back in wing tips with a tie. Dressing them up like Rambo jut sends the wrong signal to the kind of minds that those working in LE already have in poorer towns and counties.
That's actually a pretty good idea Warren. Dress guys like they are going to war and they will act like they are in a war zone and everyone is an enemy.

People are mentally geared to act like the uniform they wear. That includes a lot of different uniforms.

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