Your opinion about male transgenders playing female sports?

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Unique Circumstances

Throughout the season, John Adams enjoyed a strong following, but they also faced some tough criticism on and off the court. The team which had the self described nickname of "disaster squad" because of their intense work and dedication had the unique distinction of being the first, and the last team to win the State Championship with boys on the roster. Early on under the new Title IX law, interpretation of the law did not disallow boys from competing on the girls team. Adams Coach Susan Ganser, Principal William Przybysz, and the three boys on the team faced strong criticism and taunts throughout the season. While Coach Ganser made sure to never have more than one boy on the court at a time, the school and team faced criticism. Just a few days after the Eagles won the State Championship, the IHSAA changed their interpretation of the wording, preventing boys from competing on girls teams.

They fixed it.
Thanks for the link.
As stated the interpretation of the wording was changed.
what isn't mentioned is the following year women rights organization used
the new interpretation to force high schools to allow girls to compete in CoEd wrestling on boys team.
This is a well established ploy of Satan. Take something that is a complete abomination, and slowly make it "seem" acceptable. If you don't live in an area where people are getting confused about their gender count yourself lucky. It's very prominent here. Until surpassed by something else (I fear it will be inappropriate relations with pets), it's the ultimate "I do as I please".

Not testing the waters to see what fly's and what doesn't, just warning my brothers and sisters what's out there.
I might not be evolved enough, but seems to me one is either born with XX chromosomes making one a female, or XY making one a male, and one should play the cards one is dealt.
Simply by labeling yourself "not evolved" means you are half way into believing the nonsense. You are on the edge.
They wouldn't want to hear what I would have to say, you can handle things like this better than I can.

That's meant as a compliment by the way.
Curious, what would you say to a cross over if they asked you about your car, wanted a restaurant recommendation, or any other normal conversational topic?
Do you believe winning is all that matters in high school sports?
No, there are lots of lessons learned in sports including learning how to lose. And a very small percentage get to continue with sports after high school. But if we are talking about those few and the potential scholarships, then winning is very important.
I said years ago, if my family is out somewhere and one of my daughters is followed in the restroom by a male, I will extricate said male from the restroom personally. I'm not one to make a scene, but my it's my job to protect my children until they can fend for themselves. I take that job seriously.
It could be worse I guess. This was an Olympic champion.
It's God who created each and every one of us, "male and female He created them", Gen. 1:27. Either you accept the role that God created you for and in, or you reject it and claim that right for yourself, AND in so doing you also then reject the God who created you. Submission to your created role is something that we do out of love for Him, and out of faith in Him. It's something that is obvious just from the very nature all around us... natural law... the "laws of nature". Rom. 1:18- 32.

Why do we have separate sports teams? That should be obvious for sports like wrestling... but what about "mixed teams" when it comes to other less "personally physical" sports, where the athletes by the sport dictum aren't physically "handling" each other as much... or other less physically aggressive sports? What if we had "mixed basketball" or "soccer" or "hockey", for example? You know what would happen... the roster would pretty quickly become completely dominated by males, precisely because males are, by God created natural design, larger, stronger, more muscular, more aggressive... probably more neanderthalish too, and I would agree... certainly less compassionate, sympathetic, understanding and emotional! Thank God for my wife to balance me out!

Without teams separated by gender, the girls would overwhelmingly be sidelined in a heartbeat. It's not all about winning... but in the end, we all want to be a part of a winning team. It's the proof that our efforts helped us to excel at whatever we were trying to accomplish. And in the end... if you're team isn't winning, you're not competing... and there's no revenues then to support you. Everybody wants to be a part of a winning team, even if it's by osmosis. And nobody takes much pride in a perennial losing team.

Oh... wait..... I forgot, EVERYBODY gets a trophy these days.....................:sneaky:
I have a niece that has gone over to the other side. She has stubble growing on her face now and a deep voice. Not sure what is going on down below but bet it wouldn't be pretty. She reckons she is a bloke now but is a gay fella. I had a think about that and thought, yeh, that'd work.
The young ones just have it rammed down their neck now that being gay is normal and OK or to go over to the other side is normal. They get a little setback with their love life so then think ohh, I must be gay and then get trapped in that circle of people.
I'm just glad I'll be checking out of this world in the not too distant future. The world as it is today is not what I signed up for.

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